St Thomas' Leesfield Curriculum Offer 2022-23
The curriculum is all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of topic based activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experience of the children. St Thomas Leesfield’s curriculum also includes high expectations and consideration for personal, social, spiritual and moral learning.
The National Curriculum
Children in primary schools pass through three different age groups which are known as “key stages”. These key stages relate to what children should be learning at various stages of their school life:
Foundation Stage - Children 4 – 5 yrs of age Reception.
Key Stage 1 - Children 5 – 7 yrs of age - Years 1 and 2.
Key Stage 2 - Children 7 – 11 yrs of age - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
At each of the three stages, children will be following programmes of study laid down by the Department for Education and Skills known as the National Curriculum.
English, Maths and Science remain very important and are considered the core subjects in both primary and secondary education. The National Curriculum sets out in some detail what must be taught in each of these subjects, and they will take up a substantial part of your child’s learning week. Alongside these are the familiar foundation subjects: Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Foreign Languages (age 7+ only), Geography, History, Music, and Physical Education. For these foundation subjects, the details in the curriculum are significantly briefer: schools have much more flexibility regarding what they cover in these subjects.
Much of the publicity about the changes to the curriculum has focussed on ‘higher expectations’ in various subjects, and it is certainly the case that in some areas the content of the new primary curriculum is significantly more demanding than in the past. For example, in mathematics there is now much greater focus on the skills of arithmetic and also on working with fractions. In science, a new unit of work on evolution is introduced for Year 6; work which would have previously been studied in secondary school. In English lessons there will now be more attention paid to the study of grammar and spelling; an area which was far less notable in previous curricula.
The National Curriculum Framework | [pdf 2MB] | ||
Parents Complete Guide to the National Curriculum | [pdf 788KB] |
Curriculum at St Thomas'
We are very proud of our Leesfield curriculum as it provides memorable experiences as well as real-life learning through our varied and interesting topics. They are normally two-week topics (Reception and Year 1’s can be slightly longer as 3-week topics) and are designed to enhance and enrich the attitude, skills and knowledge (ASK) of all our children. Our school has worked hard to devise an innovative curriculum to ensure that all our learners can make great progress with their learning in all subjects.
We follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum in Reception and the National Curriculum (2014) for Years 1– 6. We follow the age-related expectations/non-negotiables for each year group and we call these ‘Basic Busters’ or BBs. Reading, writing and oracy are taught in-line with National Curriculum requirements and through our topics. Maths also follows age-related non-negotiables and skills are taught in daily maths lessons as well as through topics. Deeper thinking/Greater Depth activities and challenges are also incorporated into daily lessons to encourage children to improve their problem solving skills and increase independent learning acquisition. Science is taught through the three strands of biology, physics and chemistry but is also topic-related. Again, we follow the age-related expectations for science as outlined in the National Curriculum. All the foundation subjects are also taught through topics (please see Long Term Plans for each class below) and we know that they are engaging, motivational as well as practical to suit all learning styles. Each topic is introduced through the ‘Sticky Learning Objectives’ and these are key learning outcomes relating to the topic/subject and these are usually six or nine depending on the age group. We also, at the start of a topic, assess prior learning (what the children already know) and revisit earlier ‘Sticky Learning Objectives’ for assessment purposes. Carefully planned lessons are then taught to include very specific ‘Sticky Learning’ (what the children must know about the topic/subject) objectives as well as ensuring that the children’s own questions are answered and addressed. At the end of each topic, the ‘Sticky Learning Mats’ are then completed by the children so that they then can demonstrate their newly gained skills and knowledge. Where possible, children are given first-hand experiences to enhance their learning through educational visits or visitors / workshops in school.
Leesfield Curriculum Offer September 2022 | [pdf 2MB] |
Aims and Objectives
We believe that children learn best in different ways. At our school we provide a rich and varied learning environment that allows all children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.
Through our curriculum we aim to:
- enable children to become confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners;
- foster children’s self-esteem and help them build positive relationships with other people;
- develop children’s self-respect and encourage children to respect the ideas, attitudes, values and feelings of others;
- show respect for all cultures and, in so doing, to promote positive attitudes towards other people;
- enable children to understand their community and help them feel valued as part of this community;
- help children grow into reliable, independent and positive citizens
Prepare children for the next phase of their educational journey
Curriculum Intent
Our ambitious curriculum centres around the National Curriculum requirements (2014) together with all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. We have a highly motivational, inclusive curriculum for every child. We continue to teach using an inspiring topic-based curriculum inclusive of enriching and varied activities that the school organises to improve the learning experience of our children. St Thomas’ Leesfield curriculum also includes high expectations and consideration for personal, social, spiritual, moral and cultural learning, as well as dedicated topics relating to British Values and Relationship & Sexual Health Education. We aim to have a pupil-led coherent curriculum linked to the National Curriculum to engage every child to ‘want’ a wealth of learning that will enable them to be successful. E.g. We are developing our pupil-led individual Research Topic (Reception – Y6) which will give every child the opportunity to research and produce work around a chosen topic, which will be facilitated by our staff.
In the EYFS, the ‘Development Matters’ statements alongside the Early Years curriculum is followed and implemented for all seven areas of learning. The EYFS curriculum is also a topic-based curriculum planned around weekly quality texts to enhance the children’s experiences of books. By planning both quality teacher-led activities and independent learning opportunities through continuous and enhanced provision, children have the best opportunities to achieve the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) by the end of the Foundation Stage.
Our curriculum design enables all children to develop significant knowledge and skills (sticky learning) within each year group and build upon their prior learning to give them a broad and balanced curriculum from EYFS to Year 6.
Curriculum implementation - Why that? Why then?
In order to implement our creative curriculum, we have carefully considered how it is delivered and this is via regular, short, subject-based topics over the 38/39 weeks of the school year. Recent pedagogical research (E.D. Hirsch – What Every Year … Child Needs to Know) driven by the Senior Leadership Team and further research from the Class Teachers/Subject Leaders has helped us to adapt, refine and improve our teaching and assessment of the significant knowledge (Sticky Learning) in every subject area. In addition to this, key vocabulary has been identified, through the ‘Word Aware Programme’, for each year group and topic. Greater focus will be placed on children learning this age-appropriate vocabulary so that the Sticky Learning is embedded and progression can be clearly identified.
Training, inset days and staff meetings over several years have helped us to further improve our curriculum. We have continued to update and adapt our teaching to include all the National Curriculum requirements (2014) for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science. We have fully implemented the Non –Negotiable Curriculum in every class from Year 1 to Year 6. The curriculum statements are assessed into ‘Emerging’, ‘Expected’ and ‘Exceeding’ on our in-house Tracking Grids on a termly basis and this data informs the summative assessments to plan next steps for our children to achieve in preparation for summative assessments in Summer term. Reception will follow the Early Learning Goals from each individual child’s starting point (Dovestone Learning Development – DLP - baseline assessment) in Reception against the Development Matters Statement and Early Learning Goals.
Each class follows their long-term plans that include all the National Curriculum requirements. The Subject Leader has responsibility to ensure the curriculum design of their subject and carefully considers what is taught, what do we want the children to learn, why that and why then? These challenging questions for the Subject Leaders guarantees appropriate coverage, progression and the acquisition of significant knowledge (Sticky Learning). Subject Leaders use a ‘proforma’ which clearly sets out the significant learning for each topic/subject area for each year group (Y1-Y6). Furthermore, our curriculum is broad and balanced and carefully considers the attitudes, skills and knowledge (ASK) that the children will learn. The Subject Leaders continue to concentrate on ensuring that the long, medium and short-term plans have the coverage and skills needed over a child’s seven years with us and that the assessment procedures are robust, therefore, the impact of our curriculum results in improved attainment and progress where our children are ‘Learning for Life’ and can retain knowledge and skills long-term. Governors meet termly regarding the curriculum and always challenge, question and celebrate where needed.
Curriculum Planning Documentation
Please visit each class pages for more information about our curriculum by year group and subject.
Curriculum Impact
At St Thomas’ Leesfield, our children have a love of learning! We know the positive impact of our Curriculum via our ‘Pupil Chats’ and quality learning throughout school. Our individual progress and attainment data illustrates the positive impact that we desire.
We know that our broad and balanced curriculum helps prepare our children for life beyond the school day, we always consider their next steps in order for them to achieve and become well-rounded citizens.
Our assessment of Sticky Learning and the age-related Non-Negotiables is robust and enables the children to know and remember important knowledge and skills and to appreciate the links in learning.
Annual Reception-Y6 long-term plans are found within this Curriculum Offer and are available on request or via our website.
Our Local and Hidden Curriculum
Our local and hidden curriculum is a valued part of the children’s learning, to complement and enhance our curriculum package. The examples below reflect the individual nature of our school and community. It recognises our local history, ecomony and employment and we constantly consider the curriculum in its widest sense. The delivery of the below takes place in and between lessons, in subjects and in extra-curricular activities. This develops our children’s skills in a range of areas such as: business, arts, sport and local history, as well as the development of personal characteristics.
Our school ethos is to ensure that we are not solely concerned with the pursuit of academic outcomes as the informal curriculum carries as much importance for our children. We appreciate the value of learning taking place in the space between lessons and in our wider school environment (Aim 5 and 6 on School Development Plan - SDP). Below are some of the ways in which our children enhance their learning and improve their cultural capital through our hidden curriculum and their experiences/opportunities at school.
Commando Joe Secret Missions
Local MP Visits and visits to Council Chambers
Oldham Pledge Characteristics
Mini Business Challenge
Y6 Business Challenge and Dragon’s Den
Y5 Careers fair
Individual Research Topic
Extra- Curricular clubs – Lunchtime and after school
Leesfield FUNdraising events eg coffee mornings
Class assemblies/Collective Worship
School Council
Eco Committee
Ethos group
DLP competitions eg Literacy Festival, Hope art competition
History Club
Homework Grid – 9 areas of learning
Linking Project – Mayfield
Park Runs – Alexandra Park & Uppermill
Charity events – Local, National & International (SEED)
Church services and events, such as Experience Harvest
Effective Learning and Teaching
We acknowledge that people learn in many different ways and we recognise the need to develop strategies that allow all children to learn in ways that best suit them.
We offer opportunities for children to learn in different ways. These include:
Investigation and problem solving
Research and finding out
Group work
Paired work/talking partners
Independent Learning
Whole-class work
Asking and answering questions – Q&A cards
Use of the computers/IT equipment
Fieldwork and visits to places of educational interest
Creative activities
Looking at a range of visual stimulus and responding to musical or recorded material
Debates, role-play and oral presentations
Designing and making things
Participation in athletic or physical activity
Continuous provision is EYFS and KS1
Practical activities
Role play and real life experiences
We encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning, to be involved as far as possible in reviewing the way they learn, and to reflect on how they learn. We also glean what helps them learn and what makes it difficult for them to learn. In addition, we aim to enable the children to be part of the curriculum and give the children the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills through research-based topics.
Effective Learning results in:
- Knowing when you have succeeded
- Feeling you can do more
- Explaining what you have learned
- Applying it to other situations
- Teaching it to someone else
- Feeling good about yourself.
Effective Teaching
When teaching, we focus on motivating the children and building on their skills, knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. From Reception to Year 6, each class has a Long Term Plan of topics and this is an overview of what is to be taught to each class for the whole of the academic year. All topics (including Reception/EYFS) follow the National Curriculum expectations and objectives for all area of learning.
We base our teaching on our knowledge of the children’s level of attainment. Our prime focus is to develop further the knowledge and skills of the children. We strive to ensure that all tasks set are appropriate to each child’s level of understanding and are in-line with the age-related expectations for each year group. Children with special or additional needs have their learning set to meet specific targets contained in the children’s Person Centred Review and/or Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). We have high expectations of all children, and we believe that their learning and output here at St Thomas’ Leesfield is of the highest possible standard.
We set academic targets for the children in each school year and we share these targets with children and their parents through their learning, topic books, parent meetings (4P’s) and annual reports. As children achieve their targets through their learning, these are constantly assessed and changed at least half-termly if not more.
We plan our lessons with clear learning objectives. We take these objectives from the National Curriculum. Our plans contain information about the tasks to be set, the resources needed, and the way we assess the children’s work. We evaluate lessons when necessary so that we can modify and improve our teaching in the future. Each lesson has a clear learning objective/intention and is known throughout our school as the WALT (We Are Learning To). In addition to this, each lesson also has a clear and detailed (age-appropriate) success criteria know as WILF (What I’m Looking For).
All staff make a special effort to establish good working relationships with all children in the class. We treat the children with kindness and respect. We treat them fairly and give them equal opportunities to take part in class activities. Our staff follow the school policy with regards to discipline and classroom management. This is very much a ‘Positive Behaviour Management’ policy and we always look to encourage and highlight good examples of behaviours and attitudes. We set and agree with children the class code of conduct which is known throughout school (Rec-Y6) as the Always Rules. These are followed by staff and pupils. We expect all children to comply with these rules that are jointly devised (as well as age-appropriate and in child-friendly speak) to promote the best learning opportunities for all. We praise children for their efforts and reward them with an ‘Always Badge’. By doing so, we help to build positive attitudes towards school and learning in general. We insist on good order and behaviour at all times. When children’s behaviours fall below our high standards, we follow the guidelines for sanctions as outlined in our policy. We ensure that all tasks and activities that the children do are safe. When we plan to take children out of school, we first inform parents and obtain their permission.
Our classrooms are motivational learning environments. We change displays regularly to ensure that the classroom reflects the learning studied by the children. We ensure that all children have the opportunity to display their best work at some time during the year. All classrooms have a range of dictionaries and there are selections of fiction and non-fiction books in the class reading areas. At St Thomas’ Leesfield, we also have a Top Hall Library that has a vast selection of book-banded books to foster an enthusiasm for reading in our children. In addition, we also have ‘Topic Suitcases’ housed in the individual class reading areas which contain a wide variety of texts linked to the current topic theme. These are changed with each topic and help to engage the children in their learning and encourage them to ‘find out more’ for themselves. We are also very lucky at our school in that our local library is just down the road on Thomas Street so each class pays a weekly visit there to choose and bring back books of their choice. Each classroom also has informative and eye-catching displays relating to Literacy, Maths and Science. We believe that a stimulating environment sets the climate for learning, and an exciting classroom promotes independent use of resources and the production of high-quality work by the children. Each class has a plethora of vocabulary displayed to ensure a language-rich environment with reading as a high focus throughout school.
All our teachers value professional development via performance management and training opportunities. We conduct all our teaching in an atmosphere of trust and respect for all. We deploy teaching assistants and other adult helpers as effectively as possible. Sometimes they work with individual children or with small groups. Our adult helpers also assist with the preparation and storage of classroom equipment and resources.
How we support Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) children
Situations may arise in which individuals need to work at a level above or below that of the rest of their peer group, or may need special assistance to accomplish particular tasks. This will become apparent through teachers’ use of on-going observations and assessment or assessment prior to a child coming to our school. Where children are thought to need additional help, teachers go through a referral procedure consistent with the Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs. Parents are informed and involved of any decisions made. Children with an Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) and or Achievement for All (AFA) are supported as instructed by their individual statements. It is for class teachers to decide how to best target their support in liaison with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).
Our aim for all SEND children is that they are included in the curriculum and taught the year group expectations wherever possible.
For further information about how we teach SEND children at St Thomas’ Leesfield Primary school refer to the SEND Offer, SEND Policy and Accessibility policy on our school website.
Marking and Feedback
In school we will ensure that learners get the maximum benefit from their education through an entitlement to regular feedback from staff to enable them understand their progress and achievement and what they need to do next to improve. The methods used for marking work will to be applied consistently throughout the school, and they are linked to the assessment procedures (see pages 10-11 of this document).
- To further the teacher’s awareness of the learner’s current stage of development, and identify next steps for progress.
- To give learners accurate feedback on their progress and achievement.
- To promote a positive self-image for learners, in accordance with the school aims and through this encourage them to value and take pride in their work.
- To celebrate and reward learners’ achievements and progress.
- To agree and set challenging targets for improvement.
- To standardise the marking procedures used throughout the school.
- To enable learners to self-evaluate their work and take responsibility.
- To provide evidence for assessment, recording, reporting and target setting.
- Children should be told at the beginning of the activities how the work will be marked and will be given the criteria (WILF – What I am Looking For…alongside an ASK explanation ie Attitude e.g. independent or collaborative learning, Skills that will developed via the learning activity and the Knowledge to be gained e.g. BB statement).
- Marking reflects the learning objectives/set targets for development (WALT _ We Are Learning To).
- Teachers’ comments and the marking of work will provide clear and easily understood feedback and encouragement for learners.
- Oral feedback should be used whenever possible and it should be given as the learner is engaged in the learning process rather than later if possible.
- Written comments by teachers should be in ‘child speak’ language during, (on the go) and/or at completion of the task.
- All feedback and marking will celebrate and reward success and tell pupils what they need to do next to improve, resulting in clear targets (FIT = Fix It Time) being available for improvement.
- There will, whenever possible, be an opportunity for the child to participate in this process so that there is a shared perspective (FIT built into each school day – at least once per day).
- Learners will be given opportunities to evaluate their own and others’ work.
- There will be consistency of approach through verbal and written marking across the school. Topic and maths books will be on the school premises throughout the school day and staff are encouraged to ‘mark’ up to date, daily, throughout each lesson and immediately after school so that each child can access their topic/maths books as they enter school each morning.
- A marking code will be agreed by all staff and displayed for children to see.
- Stickers/House points/smiley faces/stars or appropriate drawings/stamps and other tangible rewards should be given to celebrate achievement and progress.
- All our children will be aware that the WALT and WILF or a particular part/phrase/aspect of their learning is highlighted in yellow (Yippee Yellow) then that means ACHIEVED/LIKE THIS!
- Green highlighted areas (Growing Green) mean ‘Fix It’. The child will then be given an opportunity to correct/alter/develop that highlighted area in their daily FIT (Fix It Time). Reception are the exception to this as they constantly develop and ‘fix’ learning on the go. Our Reception children are given the opportunity to view and discuss their learning over time in groups, whole class as well as individually.
- The child will alter/develop/improve/correct the ‘growing green’ in green pen.
- Additional comments/praise etc from the staff is in green pen.
Presentation code:
- Topic books to be backed and decorated in an interesting and eye catching way
- To write first and second name on top of a worksheet
- Try to use a mixture of straight into the book/stuck in work and photograph evidence of learning….limit the stuck in work if possible (message from Eco group)
- Each topic should begin with questions generated by the children and discussions around ‘Sticky knowledge’
- Maths and Topic - To copy the date on the top left hand side and then miss a line (Year 1 by summer term) or typed/pre-printed by staff
- WALT, WILF, ASK and date to be visible for every piece of learning. BB number(s) to be visible
- To have spaces between words and sit letters on the line
- 1 digit to a square for written calculations. Miss a line between written sums
- Work in pencil for numeracy and write short date using forward slash e.g. 11/9/20
- Use half brackets for numbering/ splitting answers e.g. 1) or a)
- In Y6 blue pens will be used for written work regardless of whether a pen licence has been achieved. In Y3-5 pencil will be used until a pen licence has been awarded
- Write long date for literacy work, including the year
- e.g. Monday 3rd October 2022
- Children to amend FIT (Fix It Time)in green pen.
- Leave one clear line when starting a new paragraph to make it clear; we do not indent
- Use a good quality school (blue ink) pen
Summative Assessment
This is Assessment OF Learning. It is used mainly to measure performance and clearly identifies a standard of pupil attainment. It is carried out at the end of a period of learning. Examples:
• End of Topic via Sticky Learning Mats
• Internal tests
• Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs)
Formative Assessment
This is Assessment FOR Learning. It is on-going and provides evidence of and for progression in learning. It supports learning through identifying difficulties, providing feedback and diagnosing future learning priorities. Examples:
• Class learning in topic/maths books
• Home work
• Questioning/ Mini plenaries during lessons
• Oral Discussion
• Presentation
• Metacognition recall activities
• Remember, Remember books
• Practical Projects/activities
• Marking & Feedback
• Knowledge and skills tracking
• Non-negotiables in books to track Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening and Maths progress
In Literacy and Maths ongoing pre and post assessment occurs for each unit of work, the children are assessed against the National Curriculum Non-Negotiables/objectives (BBs – Basic Busters).
For foundation subjects each topic has ‘sticky learning’ which consists of 6/9 questions or objectives linked to the National Curriculum. These are categorised as the ‘essential’ learning for each topic – what the children MUST know. The children are given the opportunity to demonstrate their acquisition of the sticky learning at the end of each topic (via their Sticky Learning Mats) to assess the knowledge and skills that they have learnt/retained/remembered.
Within school we set targets for progress and achievement for all individual pupils in each academic year these are in the form of the National Curriculum Non-negotiables (BBs) which can be found at the front of the children’s books. When the children have grasped a non-negotiable (BB) the objective is ticked off to show they have achieved this and also demonstrates progression in the subject.
Sticky Learning is not just referred to during the particular topic weeks or at the end of a topic. We use our ‘Remember, Remember’ books and displays in each classroom to re-activate prior learning and to improve the retention of skills/knowledge (long-term memory) over time. Sticky Learning is re-visited little and often via various strategies to try to ensure that the knowledge has ‘stuck’.
Reporting to parents
We have a range of strategies that keep parents fully informed of their child’s progress in school. We encourage parents to contact the school if they have concerns about any aspect of their child’s work. As a whole school, each child has their own planner where parents can write comments whenever is needed and staff will respond to these notes either in person (face to face), over the telephone, email or a return note in the planner. It is an excellent form of communication which helps to ‘nip things in the bud’. It is especially useful for working parents who may not have the same contact with staff due to work commitments.
Each term we offer parents the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher. At each meeting we evaluate the children’s progress, showing National Curriculum Assessments in Literacy and Numeracy and Sticky Learning Mats for the foundation subjects. These meetings also give parents the chance to look at learning and discuss any concerns. Our meetings in the Autumn and Spring Term are called 4Ps – Pupil, Parent, Progress Plan meetings where each child takes an active role in the meeting and are fully involved in the process.
During the Summer Term, we give all parents a written report of their child’s progress and achievements during the whole academic year. In this report we also identify target areas for the next school year. We write individual comments about how a child has progressed and achieved over the past year and give information about progress and achievement for each subject. The written report also enables parental feedback.
In reports for pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 we also provide details of the achievement in the national tests. In the report for Year 1 we provide the details of the Phonics Screening check that the children take in the Summer Term of Year 1. From Summer 2021, Year 4 parents will also receive details of how their child achieved with the new Times Tables Test. We offer parents of pupils in Reception the opportunity to discuss the results of the Foundation Stage Profile with their child’s teacher.
Each of our teachers gives parents a half-termly Curriculum Information Sheet that identifies the main areas of study for that particular class. This update offers parents an opportunity to support any elements of the work during the coming half term.
In addition to this, parents also have opportunities to visit their child’s class and to look through their topic/maths books whilst enjoying the class environment which their child experiences on a daily basis.
All Subject Leaders undertake book enquiries/scrutinies and conduct pupil chats within their subject area. English and Maths subject leaders use the national exemplification materials to make judgements about the standards of the children’s work. Other Subject lLeaders check assessments via the Sticky Learning. All our teachers discuss these criteria, so that they have a common understanding of the expectations in each subject. By doing this, we ensure that we make consistent judgements about standards in our school.
Our Subject Leaders also attend DLP network meetings and moderation to discuss children’s work to ensure that the children are working at the correct National Standards. They meet with their equivalent year group teachers so that there is a form on standardisation amongst our collective, experienced teaching staff.
Home Learning
We feel that at St Thomas’ Leesfield School home learning should develop the whole child.
Home learning does not always need to be work sheet based as ‘work at home’ can come in many guises.
Our home learning grid is broad and has nine different sections which creates a balanced approach and parent/community partnership will help to develop skills and interests. We also feel that parental support with such learning is of paramount importance. High standards of home learning is always expected.
We provide each child with a HALF-TERMLY home learning grid which is completed on a weekly basis. All nine areas should be fulfilled each week of the year with children completing at least one activity per area per week and all activities should be completed by the end of the half term. However we also expect children to read, practise spellings and times tables DAILY. Teachers may also send home additional work/learning weekly to compliment the Home Learning Grid. Below is an example of a HWG and its spiel.
Parents and children should tick off/highlight what has been done and have it signed weekly by a parent/adult.
The Home Learning Grid will be changed half-termly. Enjoy your home learning and thank you parents for your support. Please see the attached grid as an example of home learning.
This Home learning grid is ‘The Homework’ and it is vitally important to ensure that each child is a well-rounded, independent and individual learner. However, there may be other more formal homework too.
Y5 Autumn 1 Homework Grid 2022 | [pdf 265KB] |
Class Teacher responsibilities for Home Learning
- To provide an explanation to children about the tasks and what is expected
- To provide an explanation and procedure of giving out and handing in home learning to parents. In addition, give guidance of how they might assist their child. This may be done by a note with the work, at a parent meeting, a note in the child’s planner or at an open evening/start of new year parent meeting if possible.
- To ensure that home learning is set consistently across classes in the cohort.
- To set home learning that takes equal and racial opportunities into account.
- To ensure all home learning is purposeful and links directly to the curriculum being taught, linking basic Literacy and Numeracy skills through topic work.
- To set tasks that cater for different learning styles.
- To set tasks that are varied, exciting, challenging and stimulating throughout the whole of the year.
- To reward and praise children who regularly complete home learning tasks.
- To mark home learning when necessary and give feedback to pupils.
- To use Purple Mash to set homework periodically, and to respond when appropriate on this online platform.
There will be a half-termly incentive/treat for children who complete and hand in their home learning on time each week, throughout that term.
Parent responsibilities for home learning
- To support the school by ensuring that their child attempts the home learning.
- To provide a suitable, quiet place for their child to carry out their home learning.
- To encourage and praise their child when they have completed their home learning.
- To become actively involved and support their child with home learning activities.
- To make it clear that they value home learning and they support the school by
explaining how it can help learning.
- To ensure their child is safe when using the internet at all times.
Subject Leaders, Subject Support and their Roles
Overall Curriculum Lead: Mr J Whittaker
Subject |
Lead |
Support |
English |
Mrs F Ragan |
Mrs A Mongan |
Mathematics |
Mr J Whittaker |
Miss S Bamber & Mr C Leigh |
Science |
Miss V Blyden |
Miss R Lawton |
Religious Education |
Mrs F Ragan |
Miss V Blyden |
Physical Education |
Mr C Leigh |
Mrs E Schofield |
History |
Mrs N Wilkinson |
Mrs E Gulla |
Geography |
Mrs H Austin |
Miss S Bamber |
Art |
Miss R Lawton |
Mrs E Douglas |
Design Technology |
Mrs E Schofield |
Mrs H Austin |
Music |
Miss S Bamber |
Mrs F Ragan |
Computing |
Mrs E Gulla |
Mr C Leigh |
Modern Foreign Language |
Mrs F Ragan |
Miss A Mongan |
Miss V Nutter |
Mr J Whittaker |
SMSC (including British Values) |
Miss V Nutter |
Mr J Whittaker |
Role of the Subject Leader
St Thomas’ Leesfield, Subject Leaders provide professional leadership and management for a subject to secure high quality teaching and learning, effective use of resources and improve standards/achievement for all pupils.
Subject Leaders manage the subject all of the time on a monitoring basis and are assisted in this role by their Subject Support colleagues. At times the subject will be a high priority due to the part it plays in the School Development Plan (SDP).
The subject Leader will be supported by the Headteacher.
The role of the Subject Leader is to:
- Support, guide and motivate colleagues
- To advise or find support for teachers on planning, teaching and organisation
- To share good practice
- To monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning
- To ensure the curriculum coverage throughout school is correct following DfE statutoriy requirements
- Identify ‘Sticky Learning’ main objectives for each year group to ensure progression, monitoring and assessment purposes (6 or 9 grid proforma) linked to National Curriculum guidance/statutory requirements
- To analyse data (assessments, Sticky Learning objectives/Mats) to inform areas for improvement
- To monitor planning
- To ensure evidence of children’s work in their subject, and evaluate standards
- To ensure that the subject has enough time allocated to it (topic-based curriculum – yellow time)
- To ensure progression in what is taught, learned and remembered (long-term memory)
- To provide reports for the governing body on progress and standards in their subject if required
- To lead and direct the subject
- To organise staff training for staff and via staff meetings
- To attend training courses to keep up to date and feedback to staff
- To attend network and liaison meetings with other schools
- To keep abreast of current pedagogy and read widely on your subject to keep the National picture at the forefront to improve learning
- To work with staff on the development of policy and schemes of work
- To ensure the equality of opportunity for all children
- To communicate effectively with staff and parents
- To identify the needs of their subject and prioritise them in the context of whole school decision making, to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum
- To produce Action Plans of work across the year and to evaluate their effectiveness at the end of the academic year (3-6 points)
- To ensure compliance with Health & Safety Guidelines
- To relate policies to the mission statement/aims of the school
- To contribute to the School Development Plan (SDP)
- To manage/provide budget recommendations in their subject area
- To audit and order and evaluate the use of resources
- To keep the Headteacher up to date and involved on the status of the subject in school
Role of the Headteacher, Senior Leaders and Governors
Role of the Headteacher and Senior Leaders
It is the responsibility of the Headteacher and Senior Leaders to:
- Support Subject Leaders to implement the curriculum offer
- Keep a termly overview on children’s’ progress using School tracking system
- Set targets for the school to achieve (SDP and HT Performance Management)
- Support and challenge class teachers to ensure the curriculum offer is of high quality and fully embedded
Role of the Governors
Our governors challenge, support, monitor and review the School Curriculum Offer via active committee involvement. In particular they:
- support the use of appropriate teaching strategies by allocating resources effectively;
- ensure that the school buildings and premises are best used to support successful teaching and learning;
- monitor teaching strategies in the light of health and safety regulations;
- monitor how effective the curriculum is in terms of raising pupil attainment;
- ensure that the school fully complies with all Safeguarding and Health & Safety statutory requirments:
- ensure that staff development and performance management policies promote good quality teaching;
- monitor the effectiveness of the school’s teaching and learning policies through the school self-review processes. These include reports from subject leaders and the Headteacher report to governors as well as a review of the in-service training sessions attended by our staff.
Our Curriculum
To learn more about how each subject is taught at St Thomas', please use the picture links below.
Further Information
For further information about these assessments please use the picture links below.